ACCESS! - Welche Mobilität werden wir uns zukünftig leisten? (UBC)

Projektlaufzeit: 2016 - 2020


Prof. Dr. Grit Walther
Prof. Andreas Schäffer


Hanna Fuchte M.Sc.


Land NRW

Projektpartner an der RWTH:

- Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrtsysteme
- Lehrstuhl für Personal- und Organisationspsychologie
- Lehrstuhl für Controlling
- Lehrstuhl für Operations Management
- Institut für Arbeitsmedizin und Sozialmedizin
- Lehrstuhl und Institut für Stadtbauwesen und Stadtverkehr
- Gender and Diversity in den Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsgeographie
- Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Kulturgeographie
- Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Technologie der Energierohstoffe
Hintergrund (Momentan ist keine Übersetzung verfügbar):

How mobility systems in the future will look like is the main question that the Fortschrittskolleg ACCESS! will be addressing over the next four and a half years.
It is an interdisciplinary cooperation with eleven research groups of the RWTH Aachen University answering this question, taking into consideration new developments in infrastructure and technology, mobility needs, societal claims, and global environmental objectives.
The concepts and tools developed in the project will be tested within two practical projects, representing a rural area – Kreis Heinsberg- as well as an urban space – MetropoleRuhr.

Until suitable fuel alternatives are found or filters are further improved, the continuous expansion of the road system and increases in the number of vehicles powered by petrol or diesel will increase pollutant emissions.
The task of our sub-project will be to investigate how future mobility systems might impact the amounts and types of contaminants, and if there are practical options to reduce any negative effects.
This will be used to answer the question as to what possible developments are acceptable or manageable and how we can best deal with them.
One way to manage these rising pollutant emissions is by using urban vegetation such as parks, gardens and roadside greenery. These can play an important role in air quality protection regarding gaseous and particle-bound pollutants.
To investigate the role of urban green areas in altering the mass flows of traffic-related gaseous and particulate pollutants we will focus on organic “marker” pollutants (e.g. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from fossil fuel combustion and chemicals contained in tyre wear debris.) Choosing marker substances with a wide range of physical-chemical properties will allow for extrapolation to future traffic pollutants. Deposition and surface run-off samples will be collected and concentrations of the marker contaminants determined. Furthermore, passive sampling approaches will be applied to differentiate between the total and bioavailable fractions, and also to provide a link to mixture toxicity testing to further refine the risk assessment process: Therefore, determining the pollutant mass flows in different situations (e.g. heavy vs. light traffic) and in relation to the types and size of green areas (e.g. urban vs. rural), inferences can be made as the possible impacts of mobility systems in the future and how these might be made more sustainable.